Camp Mechuwana
September 20, 2021 – Last night we met most of the group that will be here at Camp Mechuwana for the next two weeks. We had a light supper of hot dogs and then had a meeting to discuss the projects we will be working on. Before I get into projects I need to tell you about this group, the 29er's Work Mission Group and the camp we will be working at.
The “29er's” is a faith based group who enjoy helping others by giving of their time and talents and having fun. It was established in the 1980's after a group of people from several smaller Methodist churches participated in a work mission in South Carolina. The project was a success and everyone enjoyed the experience so they decided to form a group to plan and work on additional projects. The name was chosen because there were 29 participants at this first project. We became aware of it through our RVing friend Jill who winters in Arizona. She summers in Ludington Michigan and most of the members are from Michigan as well as other states. Every three years the 29er's travel to Maine and Camp Mechuwana to work on projects.
Camp Mechuwana is a faith based non-profit camp located near Winthrop Maine on the shores of Lower Narrows Pond and Lake Annabessacook. The property was purchased in 1948 by a Methodist Church Commission to establish a permanent site for summer youth camps. Formerly known as Camp Naomi it consisted of a large lodge and four small cabins on the shore of Lower Narrows Pond. The current property consists of over 200 acres and 50 plus buildings. There is housing for over 300 people, several bath and showers houses, facilities for dining and meetings, a chapel and theater as well as outdoor gathering spots. The name Mechuwana comes from combining MEothodist CHUrch WA (an indian name for deity) and NAture.The camp hosts several youth camps during the summers as well as youth and adult retreats year around. The camp is mainly self supporting and there is a small permanent staff so they rely heavily on volunteers and donations to keep things running smoothly. That is where groups like the 29er's come in.
Monday morning we gathered at the dining hall and had a delicious breakfast prepared by some of the 29er's after which Norm Thombs, Executive Director of the camp, outlined the various projects we will be working on.
Arts and Crafts Building – This building is being re-purposed – Remove existing furniture, jack up and level floor, remove battens from exterior to prepare for cedar shingles, remove shingles and repair roof as necessary to prepare for steel roofing.
Continue shingling one of the lake cabins – This work was started three years ago and was never completed.
“Dog House” - This project consists of adding a building onto the existing dining hall to provide storage for chairs and tables. It is being contructed over a existing basement space. The new floor was already in place so our work consists of adding the walls and roof. This building will get a steel roof as well.
Painting – With so many buildings on the property painting is a never ending chore. The 29er's have been providing this service every three years for many years. Consists of painting exterior walls and trim of many of the buildings and interior floors of the lake cabins as well as other smaller painting projects.
Food pantry – the handicap ramp at a local food pantry is in disrepair and requires repair and/or replacement.
Kitchen – Each 29er paid $50 toward the weeks meals. All meals are provided and prepared by the 29er's. There are 29 people to feed this week so these folks have their work cut out for them.
After breakfast I went with the a group over to the Arts and Crafts building to begin work there. We spent the day removing the furniture, began removing the shingles and completed the removal of the batten. Dennis spent the day helping build walls for the “Dog House”. Mica's job was to greet people and be cute! On Tuesday I moved over to the Dog House to help Buzz and Dennis as one of the guys was pulled off to work on the handicap ramp. Dennis and I spent the rest of the week helping Buzz with the construction. By Friday the space was roofed. Yeah!
By the end of the week the Arts and Craft building was ready for the roof and shingles. Much painting was completed. Shingling the cabin is almost finished. The handicap ramp was in worse condition than thought and required a total rebuild but all of the demolition was complete. The group made awesome progress and had lots of fun in the process. By the way did I mention that the average age of this group is 74 years young!
Now about the food! Holy cow I don't think I have ever eaten this well! We get three meals a day and they are all filling and delicious. We've had egg casserole, blue berry french toast bake, breakfast burritos and European type breakfasts. Lunches were chili, taco salad, soup and even a lobster dinner provided by Norm. Dinners included beef stroganoff, turkey with all the fixing, Italian pasta and leftovers. And the desserts...cherry crisp, pumpkin dessert, chocolate brownie with lemon sorbet and ice cream. Yum!
Where we are parked: Mechuwana Methodist Church Camp – Winthrop Maine- Parked near one of the cabins with electricity.