January 1, 2022 – We left Barrington Hills and drove 4 miles south to Sundance RV Resort. Even though it was Saturday the office was staffed and we were escorted to site 586. We spent the rest of the day relaxing and walking around the park and meeting a few new people. The weather has been really nice with temperatures in the 70's and low 80's...beautiful!
This park has quit a few activities as well as meals at the clubhouse. Monday night is hamburgers and onion rings. Friday night is a fish fry. Every other Wednesdays there are dinners such as spaghetti or pork loin as well as breakfast every Saturday morning. The cost for most meals is $5.00 per person. Pretty inexpensive and the food is very good.
Dennis and I both started to attend various park activities. I went to an exercise class in the mornings. There is supposed to be water aerobics but it was not going yet. Dennis went to play pool at the pool hall. Someone started a hiking group so we went hiking one day. We also started to play pickleball again after someone started a group for that. There is only one pickleball court set up on the tennis court. If we get a lot of people interested we are hoping to get the park to purchase some portable nets to add another court.
One day my new friend Vicki and I drove 1 1/2 hours north to watch a carriage driving event. This was a timed cross country event were the participants need to negotiate a series of obstacles with their rigs. There were lots of beautiful horses and rigs and it was exciting watching them negotiate the obstacles.
Another day we drove to Plant City to meet up with some guys from Kiel that Dennis went to school with. After a few drinks at a pub we went to a barbecue restaurant for a bit to eat. Everyone enjoyed the day and planned to get together again in February.
One day I noticed a lump growing on Mica's front leg. I watched it for a few days and it kept getting bigger. After a trip to the vet it was determined it was a histiocytoma, a unsightly but benign skin tumor that tends to arise on the skin of young dogs. We were given some powder to put on it to keep the itching down as well as a collar so she wouldn't chew on it. The vet said it would go away on its own and about 3 weeks later it had pretty much disappeared.
One of the first days we were here we noticed a park model for sale in the park just a few sites away from us. There are 4 small lakes in the park and this park model was on one of them. After walking past it a few times we decided that it was something we would consider purchasing. We gave the owners a call. They told us how much they were asking but said they would not be in the park until January 6th to see the inside. They arrived late in the day on the 6th but we did not talk to them until the 8th. We looked at it that day and really liked it! We decided that we would like to purchase it but they told us someone else had beat us to it. Oh well, I guess is was not to be. That afternoon we attended a music event in the park. When we returned to our camper the couple selling the park model stopped by and told us the other party backed out and it was ours if we wanted it. Awesome!
We did not close the sale until the end of January as the park required a change to the electric service. The owners were slow in getting a electrician in to look at it and we ended up stepping in to assist with the process. The work was finally completed and we took possession on Sunday January 30th. We did not have to move our camper until the 1st so we had a few days to clean out the park model and transfer stuff from the camper. We were able to get a spot in the park storage area to keep our camper until we leave.
Where we are parked: Sundance Lakes RV Resort – Port Richey, Florida - 523 sites, All Year, RVs only, Age Restricted Adults Only, No tent, 6 ft elev, Accepts Big Rigs, 523 full hookups, electric, 50 amp, water, toilets, showers, Clubs-GSC-PA-AM, propane, laundry, internet, pet friendly, pool
Sundance Lakes RV Resort |
Vicki and Mica |
Folks from Kiel |
Maybe if I hang my head over the edge of the chair this thing will fall off.