Sunday, February 12, 2017

Krewe du Velo Parade?

Sundays Temps: High 78º, Low 62º

Another warm and humid day today. Not unwelcome as this is what we came down here for. Did not have any touristy plans today. Wanted to get some shopping and wash done. I decided to make a loaf of bread this morning. Did not want to heat up the camper by starting the oven so baked in the dutch oven. Turned out pretty good but need to remember next time to put more coals on the bottom and fewer on the top.

Honey Oatmeal Bread
Once the bread was done we headed to a seafood market just a few blocks from the entrance to the campground. They have a variety of fresh fish and shell fish. They had cray fish, blue crab, shrimp, red fish, red snapper and several other kinds of fish. We purchased 2 pounds of jumbo shrimp for $5.50/pound. Then went to Petsmart to get buddy some dog food and then the grocery store.

Sorting Cray Fish

Fresh Shrimp
It was 5 o'clock by the time we got back. We then had to head and clean the shrimp. We made a pasta dish with fresh shrimp, lemon, basil and spinach. With a Jazz station playing on the radio it was just like eating in a fancy restaurant. While we were eating we heard a commotion outside. Coming down the park road was a group of bicyclist with their bikes all lite up. I think it was a bike Krewe! It was pretty cool.

Shrimp Lemon Pasta

Bicycle Parade
Never did get to the wash. Oh well. There is always tomorrow.

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